2015년 3월 12일 목요일

Tyra Banks shuts down Top Model homophobe

** Be aware there is swears **

* Short description about video

- This drama happened in most recent cycle of America's Next Top Model. It's kind of interesting. There is powerful drama between Denzel and Will but also there is interesting perspective about how Tyra Banks handle this problem. So, you can think about problem of homophobic as well as racism. I think everyone have different perspective about these problems. So, i wanted to share with all of you. How do you think about this video? 

Who did wrong? Is Tyra Banks gave right opinion comparing racism and homophobic.

* The reason why i found interesting about this video 

- Because i always interested in social problems or cultural problems. I'v been watch many reality show. However i never saw Show that host(or hostess) gave that kind of particular opinion towards to very sensitive object. I agreed about her opinion but you might think differently :) 

*Language learning points


- (사회적인)오명 혹은 수치

In the closet 

a term used to describe a homosexual person who has not told anyone of his/her sexual orientation

Be a men about it

- (~대해) 남자다워져라


- (속어) 충격적인 일 혹은 영화,사람등등


- (v) 이기다


- (v) 맹비난하다

A shamed of 

- 부끄러워하는




- 우세한

*Related Resources


check out [Prejudices and discrimination] section ! 

*Discussion Question 

- What is your opinion about video?

- Is Tyra Banks gave right example towards to homophobe?

- What is your opinion about discrimination?

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